A new account by the name of [URL=http://www.xtopic.de/member.php?u=1213]Duppel[/URL] has been registered. Silent Mode is active, so no action against this account was taken.
Other recognized logins for this user are:
[LIST=1][*][URL=http://www.xtopic.de/member.php?u=1212]Stefri[/URL] [/LIST] [CODE][ :: Verbose Information :: ] [ Prevention Method Information ]Selected Method: No Prevention
Prevention Usergroup: 20 (Found)
Primary Banned Usergroup: 20 (Found)
Cookie Used: xmultiple
Raw Data: ,1212,
Clean Data: 1212
Caught by: Cookie
[ Verbose Messages ] [ Dev Information ]Verbose Message Bitfields: 0[/CODE]