Maxthon v2.1.1.1717

[b]Maxthon v2.1.4.443[/b]

Wie einige von euch wissen, verwendete ich bis vor kurzem den AvantBrowser als meinen Standardbrowser (siehe folgenden Thread, der immer die neuesten Informationen zum AvantBrowser enthält: [URL][/URL]). Leider sagt mir dessen Weiterentwicklung seit v11.0 nicht mehr zu, sodass ich zum Maxthon Browser (ehemals MyIE2) umgestiegen bin. Falls ihr Browser, die auf den Internet Explorer aufsetzen, nicht verabscheut, würde ich euch dringend empfehlen diesen Browser mal zu anzutesten. 😉

Noch eine kleine Anmerkung: Der Maxthon Browser ist in zwei Versionen (v1 und v2) erhältlich, die beide laufend aktualisiert werden. Da die Vorteile der v2 in meinen Augen aber überwiegen, werde ich die v1 für diesen Thread einfach stillschweigend vergessen… 🙂

Der erste Post dieses Threads wird immer erst dann aktualisiert, sobald das Changelog zur Verfügung steht… Auf neue Versionen (auch Beta Versionen) des Browsers wird in diesem Thread zwar hingewiesen, jedoch enthält der erste Post dieses Threads immer die aktuellste final des Browsers. 😉

Bleibt nur noch zu sagen: Maxthon rulezzz! 😀
[LIST=1] [*][B][U]Maxthon v2.1.4.443[/U] ([URL=““]Download[/URL])[/B] [LIST=a] [*]General
[LIST] [*]improved compatibility with IE8 Beta2
[*]fixed freeze problem in some video sites
[/LIST] [*]ShortCut Key & Mouse Gesture
[LIST] [*]fixed problem that shortcut key not working in tabs opened in background
[/LIST] [*]Interface
[LIST] [*]fixed problem that web page not properly positioned under split view
[*]fixed problem that window position not remembered if exit in Maximized state
[*]removed „Download Proxy List…“ function
[*]some changes to the „More“ menu of the „Favorites Manager“
[*]added notice message after „Update Website Icon“ finish
[/LIST] [*]AdHunter
[LIST] [*]fixed a filter pack „filecontent“ problem
[/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U]Maxthon v2.1.3.2430[/U] ([URL=““]Download[/URL])[/B] [LIST] [*]Fixed several minor bug in last release.
[/LIST] [*][B][U]Maxthon v2.1.3.2418[/U] ([URL=““]Download[/URL])[/B] [LIST=a] [*]Find In Page
[LIST] [*]fixed a crash problem when tab is closed
[/LIST] [*]Mouse Gesture & Shortcut
[LIST] [*]improved performance under some circumstances
[*]fixed problem that mouse gesture and shorcut keys work on active tab instead of detached tab
[/LIST] [*]Installer
[LIST] [*]fixed a favicon not shown problem
[/LIST] [*]Others
[LIST] [*]fixed problem that after close of reader tab the original tab cannot open new url
[*]fixed problem that tab becomes transparent after some page visit problems
[*]fixed some keystrokes handling problems, eg. in flash pages
[*]fixed problem that the „Open All Links“ may not work properly after enabling the „Show Most Favorites Only“ option in sidebar
[LIST] [*]fixed a problem that RSS cannot marked as read
[/LIST] [*]Maxthon Downloader
[LIST] [*]fixed problem that download all links may cause multiple Maxthon instances
[/LIST] [*]AdHunter
[LIST] [*]fixed a content filter log problem
[/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U]Maxthon v2.1.2.649[/U] ([URL=““]Download[/URL])[/B] [LIST=a] [*]Browsing
[LIST] [*]fixed security issues arising from an IE WebBrowser Control vulnerability
[/LIST] [*]Accessories
[LIST] [*]fixed problem that favorites are not imported when online favorites service is disabled
[*]fixed problems relating to system directories, like send to desktop
[*]fixed slow Maxthon exit problem under some circumstances
[/LIST] [*]Find in page
[LIST] [*]can use up/down arrow or mousewheel to scroll through matches
[*]the input field will be highlight if no match is found
[*]fixed problem that match result dialog sometimes empty
[*]fixed problem that skin settings are not used
[/LIST] [*]Others
[LIST] [*]fixed a crash problem of AutoUpdate when DEP is enabled
[*]added a print page setup menu command (have to reset menu bar)
[/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U]Maxthon v2.1.1.1717[/U] ([URL=““]Download[/URL])[/B] [LIST=a] [*]User Interface
[LIST] [*]Redesigned Find in Page Bar with more features
[*]Fixed Address Bar favicon slow update problem
[*]Fixed problem when Maxthon is hidden while the address bar drop down is shown
[*]Fixed problem that tray icon does not show up after Explorer crash
[*]Fixed problem that with multi-monitors the monitor in which Maxthon is maximized is not remembered
[*]Fixed problem that online favorites synchronize dialog may lock Maxthon while switching user account
[*]Fixed a Split View crash problem
[*]User Interface under safe mode is not saved
[*]Added option to activate last active tab after tab close
[*]Added a Find Password dialog
[*]Fixed problem that status bar buttons dragged to Web Toolbar is not remembered
[*]Fixed problem that Encoding button in the Web Toolbar does not work
[*]Added Encoding sub menu to the View menu (need to reset Menu Bar to see the new sub menu)
[*]Fixed a GDI leakage problem
[/LIST] [*]Shortcut and Mouse Gesture
[LIST] [*]Fixed a mouse gesture page scrolling problem
[/LIST] [*]Plugin and External Tool
[LIST] [*]Fixed a plugin command (readFile) problem
[*]Fixed external tools „current title“ argument problem
[*]Fixed problem that plugin bar customization is lost after plugin removal/disable
[/LIST] [*]Maxthon Downloader
[LIST] [*]Added option to not keep history of downloads
[*]Added notification for download error
[*]Fixed problem that some web pages may be closed after downloading attachment on the web pages
[/LIST] [*]Accessories
[LIST] [*]Fixed a RSS crash problem
[*]Fixed problem that the option to open feed in new tab may not work
[*]After creation of new Passport Account, the favorites of Shared Account, if exist, will be imported
[/LIST] [*]Others
[LIST] [*]Redesigned Auto Update module
[*]Plugin, Skin, Language, Filter files are downloaded and installed directly without using download managers
[/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U]Maxthon v2.1.0.2082[/U] ([URL=““]Download[/URL])[/B] [LIST] [*]Remember active sidebar of last session
[*]Added Web Bar and Sidebar entries to Toolbar Right-Click menu and View menu
[*]Fixed several problems that might affect Scroll Up and Scroll Down one page(76862)
[*]Screen Capture file quality is set to High by default
[*]Changed associated right-click menu item text of Windows Explorer in Chinese versio
[*]Fixed Add Favorite dialog not filling with corresponding info when adding via Link right-click menu (76641)
[/LIST] [*][B][U]Maxthon v2.1.0.1870[/U] ([URL=““]Download[/URL])[/B][LIST=a] [*]User Interface
[LIST] [*]re-organized Web Tools Bar
[*]fixed address bar slow redraw problem when tab change
[*]fixed external tools and plugin buttons tooltip problem
[*]fixed an address bar icon drawing problem
[*]fixed problem that dropdown button may not work when toolbars are locked
[*]fixed a focus problem of the Block Page Content toolbar
[*]fixed a notification display problem of Maxthon Downloader status bar button
[*]fixed a gdi leak of undo menu
[*]fixed problem that Super MSA site list cannot be edited
[*]fixed a slow interface problem if favorites contain intranet sites
[*]fixed text display problem when web toolbar is reset
[*]fixed problem that some tabs cannot be closed
[*]fixed a https site favicon display problem
[*]support Vista big size icon
[*]added exit fullscreen command to the system menu under full screen
[/LIST] [*]Browsing
[LIST] [*]changed Last Visited Pages to cumulative basis, un-reopened pages will be carried forward
[*]fixed some ajax not working problems
[*]fixed a flash related blank page problem
[*]improved performance when several tabs are opened at the same time
[*]fixed a „memory cannot read“ problem when Maxthon is closed
[/LIST] [*]Assessories
[LIST] [*]fixed upload user data crash problem when online favorites is disabled
[*]fixed crash problem when checking url of non-exist local page
[*]fixed problem of repeated bug dialog after improper shutdown
[*]fixed problem that new tab may be blocked due to magic fill form save dialog
[*]status bar date/time display uses the same format as system tray
[*]changed sniffer notification to „Show Notify icon in Address Bar“
[/LIST] [*]Maxthon Downloader
[LIST] [*]added unicode support
[*]added option not to activate download tab
[*]changed order of download task list
[*]fixed a task list display problem
[*]fixed save directory list incomplete problem
[/LIST] [*]Shortcut/Mouse Gesture
[LIST] [*]fixed problem that scroll page/down, scroll to top/bottom sometimes may not work
[*]fixed problem that right Alt key sometimes not work
[*]fixed problem that saving form by mouse gesture may not work
[/LIST] [*]Plugin
[LIST] [*]fixed problem that HTMLbutton plugin in webtoolbar cannot be dragged under customize…
[/LIST] [*]Webpage Sniffing
[LIST] [*]fixed problem that when a RSS is subscripted, the remaining RSS are not shown
[/LIST] [*]AdHunter
[LIST] [*]support filtering xsl document
[*]fixed problem that some text filter entries may not show in filter log
[*]fixed a content filter whitelist problem
[/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U]Maxthon v2.0.9.1640[/U] ([URL=““]Download[/URL])[/B][LIST=a] [*]Browsing
[LIST] [*]super drag and drop supports opening multiple selected links
[*]fixed problem that „Back“ key can work in Flash
[*]fixed problem that dropdown menu of address/search bar may show while the dropdown button is not clicked
[*]fixed page zoom not inherited, and default zoom ratio not working problem
[*]fixed some encoding problems with Website Booster
[*]fixed problem that address bar url may not be updated
[*]fixed some browser freezing problem
[*]Use enhanced page context menu option now works
[*]title of detached tab is updated according to web page
[*]fixed problem when image is saved or downloaded by dragging
[*]fixed some detached tab problems
[/LIST] [*]Accessories
[LIST] [*]new Page Search dialog
[*]simple collector button now supports drop and save of resources (need to reset status bar)
[*]if no new tab is opened, last visited pages will be carried forward to next session
[*]Ctrl + left click and float button Quicksave can save up to 999 files of the same name
[*]fixed a RSS display problem
[*]Maxthon Guardian, Online Favorites, Maxthon Website Booster can be turned on without restart
[*]the „root“ directory of favorites and RSS is renamed to „Favorites“
[*]fixed some shortcut not working problem
[*]fixed crash if collector service is used without login
[*]fixed problem that disabled mouse gestures continue to work before restart
[*]context menu „Add to Favorites…“ will add the url of image if the image has no link
[*]fixed shortcut conflict between plugin and Maxthon commands
[*]fixed problem that plugins are not enabled after installation
[/LIST] [*]Maxthon Downloader
[LIST] [*]support drag & drop to save multiple selected links
[*]added „Maxthon Downloader“ button in status bar for showing download status and downloading dropped links(need to reset status bar)
[*]added „Download all links by Maxthon Downloader…“ command in web page context menu
[*]added „Delete to dustbin“ option in download settings
[*]improved support for downloads
[*]fixed character encoding problem in non-Chinese operating system
[*]fixed maxthon downloader tab initialization problem
[*]fixed download problem of documents with UTF-8 characters
[*]“download all by maxthon downloader…“ includes images
[/LIST] [*]Popup Blocker
[LIST] [*]added popup blacklist
[*]added option to block suspicious popup
[*]added „Send to Popup Blocker…“ command in tab context menu
[*]added „Add to Ad Hunter“ command in image context menu
[/LIST] [*]Others
[LIST] [*]added „Set as Home Page“ command in tab context menu
[*]fixed focus problem of Ctrl + O when address bar is focused
[*]some changes to advanced proxy (please delete ProxyConfig.xml if advanced proxy is not working)
[*]fixed problem that advanced proxy not immediate effective after change
[*]fixed some web page drawing problem
[*]fixed a crash problem of Socks proxy under IE7
[*]fixed some login dialog problem
[*]fixed a socks5 dns resolve problem
[/LIST] [/LIST] [/LIST][B]Quelle(n):[/B] [LIST] [*][URL=““]Maxthon Forum[/URL] [*][URL=““]Maxthon Homepage[/URL] [/LIST]

11 Antworten auf „Maxthon v2.1.1.1717“

  1. Heute ist eine neue Beta Version des Browsers erschienen: v2.1.1.1619 Beta.

    Download: [url][/url]


    [b]Redesigned Find in Page Bar with more features[/b]
    [b]Redesigned Auto Update module[/b]

    [User Interface]
    Fixed Address Bar favicon slow update problem
    Fixed problem when Maxthon is hidden while the address bar drop down is shown
    Fixed problem that tray icon does not show up after Explorer crash
    Fixed problem that with multi-monitors the monitor in which Maxthon is maximized is not remembered
    Fixed problem that online favorites synchronize dialog may lock Maxthon while switching user account
    Fixed a Split View crash problem
    User Interface under safe mode is not saved
    Added option to activate last active tab after tab close
    Added a Find Password dialog
    Fixed problem that status bar buttons dragged to Web Toolbar is not remembered
    Fixed problem that Encoding button in the Web Toolbar does not work
    Added Encoding sub menu to the View menu (need to reset Menu Bar to see the new sub menu)
    Fixed a GDI leakage problem

    [Shortcut and Mouse Gesture]
    Fixed a mouse gesture page scrolling problem

    [Plugin and External Tool]
    Fixed a plugin command (readFile) problem
    Fixed external tools „current title“ argument problem
    Fixed problem that plugin bar customization is lost after plugin removal/disable

    [Maxthon Downloader]
    Added option to not keep history of downloads
    Added notification for download error
    Fixed problem that some web pages may be closed after downloading attachment on the web pages

    Fixed a RSS crash problem
    Fixed problem that the option to open feed in new tab may not work
    After creation of new Passport Account, the favorites of Shared Account, if exist, will be imported

    Plugin, Skin, Language, Filter files are downloaded and installed directly without using download managers

  2. [b][/b]

    [B] [2008-06-17] [/B]

    [B][User Interface][/B]
    * Redesigned Find in Page Bar with more features
    * Fixed Address Bar favicon slow update problem
    * Fixed problem when Maxthon is hidden while the address bar drop down is shown
    * Fixed problem that tray icon does not show up after Explorer crash
    * Fixed problem that with multi-monitors the monitor in which Maxthon is maximized is not remembered
    * Fixed problem that online favorites synchronize dialog may lock Maxthon while switching user account
    * Fixed a Split View crash problem
    * User Interface under safe mode is not saved
    * Added option to activate last active tab after tab close
    * Added a Find Password dialog
    * Fixed problem that status bar buttons dragged to Web Toolbar is not remembered
    * Fixed problem that Encoding button in the Web Toolbar does not work
    * Added Encoding sub menu to the View menu (need to reset Menu Bar to see the new sub menu)
    * Fixed a GDI leakage problem

    [B][Shortcut and Mouse Gesture][/B]
    * Fixed a mouse gesture page scrolling problem

    [B][Plugin and External Tool][/B]
    * Fixed a plugin command (readFile) problem
    * Fixed external tools „current title“ argument problem
    * Fixed problem that plugin bar customization is lost after plugin removal/disable

    [B][Maxthon Downloader][/B]
    * Added option to not keep history of downloads
    * Added notification for download error
    * Fixed problem that some web pages may be closed after downloading attachment on the web pages

    * Fixed a RSS crash problem
    * Fixed problem that the option to open feed in new tab may not work
    * After creation of new Passport Account, the favorites of Shared Account, if exist, will be imported

    * Redesigned Auto Update module
    * Plugin, Skin, Language, Filter files are downloaded and installed directly without using download managers

  3. Dankeschön! Post geupdated… diesmal haben sie sich aber nicht viel Zeit gelassen für die Beta-Version. 😀

    [etwas offtopic]
    Aus diesem Grund habe ich im anderen Thread gefragt, ob eine Option zum erneuten Setzen an erster Stelle im Portal möglich wäre… Bei 3DWIN gab es diese Option auf Bearbeitung des 1. Posts im Thread -> Erweitert.
    [/etwas offtopic]

  4. [quote=“Drago, post: 4872″]

    [etwas offtopic]
    Aus diesem Grund habe ich im anderen Thread gefragt, ob eine Option zum erneuten Setzen an erster Stelle im Portal möglich wäre… Bei 3DWIN gab es diese Option auf Bearbeitung des 1. Posts im Thread -> Erweitert.
    [/etwas offtopic][/QUOTE]

    Dein Wunsch soll erfüllt werden.

  5. [quote=“Xtopic, post: 4889″]denke ich habe es so geändert wie Du meinen bitte um feedback[/QUOTE]Wo befindet sich die Option?

    EDIT: Nein, so meinte ich es nicht… es soll nicht bei jedem Post im Thread nach oben verschoben werden, sondern nur (auf Wunsch) bei Bearbeitung des 1. Posts im Thread (es sollte also nur der Themenauthor diese Möglichkeit haben, Moderatoren usw. selbstverständlich auch). Vielleicht hat deshalb Schrotty in den beiden Thread diese höchst „merkwürdige“ Anweisung gegeben (nicht böse gemeint). 😉

    Aber der Thread sollte doch auch – meiner Meinung nach jedenfalls – für Fragen oder Probleme zu verschiedenen Versionen dienen?

  6. So ganz kenne ich mich jetzt nicht aus was du willst. Dachte erst du willst das Thema oben haben. Wenn dem nicht so ist mache es wieder rückgängig.

  7. Ja, schon so eine Funktion – also an und für sich ist es richtig, aber das sollte nicht automatisch bei jeder Antwort im Thema passieren. Falls dann jemand in dem Thema danke sagt oder irgendwas dazu sagt oder ergänzt, findet sich das Thema immer an erster Stelle.

    Ich fragte einfach nach einer Option, die es dem Thema-Author erlaubt genau das zu tun, was hier automatisch bei jeder Antwort passiert ist… wo diese Option zur Verfügung steht bleibt ganz euch überlassen…

  8. Soeben ist eine neue Beta Version des Browsers erschienen: v2.1.2.589ß!

    Download: [url][/url]


    – fixed security issues arising from an IE WebBrowser Control vulnerability

    – fixed problem that favorites are not imported when online favorites service is disabled
    – fixed problems relating to system directories, like send to desktop
    – fixed slow Maxthon exit problem under some circumstances

    [find in page]
    – can use up/down arrow or mousewheel to scroll through matches
    – the input field will be highlight if no match is found
    – fixed problem that match result dialog sometimes empty
    – fixed problem that skin settings are not used

    – fixed a crash problem of AutoUpdate when DEP is enabled
    – added a print page setup menu command (have to reset menu bar)

  9. [B]Maxthon ist erschienen.
    [/B]Download: [url][/url]
    * fixed security issues arising from an IE WebBrowser Control vulnerability

    * fixed problem that favorites are not imported when online favorites service is disabled
    * fixed problems relating to system directories, like send to desktop
    * fixed slow Maxthon exit problem under some circumstances

    [B][Find in page][/B]
    * can use up/down arrow or mousewheel to scroll through matches
    * the input field will be highlight if no match is found
    * fixed problem that match result dialog sometimes empty
    * fixed problem that skin settings are not used

    * fixed a crash problem of AutoUpdate when DEP is enabled
    * added a print page setup menu command (have to reset menu bar)

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